Weighing the Balance
I had an interesting conversation this week about finding the balance between living a simpler lifestyle and still being fulfilled on all levels. Often we can bring different elements into our lives; downsizing, working part time to spend more time with the family, reducing our carbon footprint, sustainable living, growing your own veg, and on one level it can be very fulfilling.
However as human beings we are also set up to want to face challenges, to have to think outside the box, find solutions, learn new things. Without that expansion in our lives we can feel stagnant. In the conversation I was having it was evident that although the lifestyle was great there was something missing and eventually the phrase intellectual challenge popped up.
We are designed to achieve, our self-esteem soars when we do and we get stimulated with more thoughts and ideas. I know from my own experience that when I see no new challenge ahead I feel uncomfortable as though something is missing. It is like I have no forward focus and although I love what I do for a living I need to keep adding to that to expand and grow.
Expansion – in this ever expanding Universe - is our essence. When we are stimulated we constantly send off rockets of desires for new things or experiences and achievements. We need these to feel as though life is moving forward. Not in a frenzied, without this I am nothing feeling, but in a deep feeling of inner growth.
So if you don’t have a new horizon beckoning this year maybe you’d like to have a think about what you would like to add to the mix for 2008? What one thing have you been talking about for a while now but never actually started? What challenge would you like to take on and conquer? It could be anything, a new skill, a new hobby or deeper learning. Part of our fulfilment is this expansion – give it a direction.
To help focus that challenge perhaps you’d like to attend the Breakthrough to Success seminar mentioned in previous blogs please click this link and you can enrol for free for the next event in either the UK, Ireland, USA or Australia. Please feel free to pass this invitation onto as many people as you like.
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If you would like to explore how coaching can empower you to focus on moving towards that place of joy in your life please feel free to contact me to arrange a time for me to call you for a free introductory session. Tel +34 958 639 593 or click here to email me
Since I started my spiritual journey, my expansion has been ten fold. Each time I see the end of one understanding, I become aware of the next.
I see these movements as cycles. Looking back we are able to see each begining and end.
We will continue to expand as long as the Universe does. Nasa says it will change one day, but not for many years to come.
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