Happy New Year!
It's funny, I have been writing this blog for over a year now but what with the breaks and holidays this is the 53rd blog I have written, appropriate don’t you think for the first one of the year?
Did you read the one just before Christmas (see below) with the exercise of doing a year review in a painting? Well I did the actual painting – more of a stick men drawing actually as you can see above - and I had a really interesting experience. Once I got started I found I had lots to draw in, I literally went through my diary and it was a continuous ‘oh and then that happened, and then that, oh and then that”. I found it great fun and it felt like a great big rampage of appreciation.
However what was interesting was that many of the things I thought I would want to tippex out didn’t actually feature. Why not? Because they were, more often that not, things that I had wanted to happen, but they hadn’t. How can you draw in something not happening? In fact I began to see that these elements were just things that I would like to draw into 2008.
Talking with others about the exercise some did have a few people or events they would like to say goodbye to for 2008 and a few unfortunate incidents that they didn’t want to repeat but in general the overall feeling was that the good hugely outweighed the bad, and the bad was a thought rather than an event. Lesson – focus on the things that happen rather on the stuff the doesn’t.
So, if you didn’t get around to your painting then I heartily recommend that you do. I took 4 hours drawing my year and as you can see you don’t have to be a master artist to do it, little stick figures are great, if you fancy actually drawing it. If you have friend who would like to have a go do it together, it is great fun as a group project too. Go on, have a rampage of appreciation for a 2007 and then go draw all that you want for 2008 – that’s my next step this Sunday – 2008 with all the things I wanted last year drawn into this – plus some!
Happy 2008!
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Jessica I am truly impressed with your painting! Mine was more like a list of coming and goings. The surroundings was what impressed Hannah and I. We went into the Mountains about 3 or 4 km. above Competa. We were taken down a track, past a sewer depot and we deposited our bags. This little track turned out to be the M25. In less than 30 minutes, we saw all types of transport, from walkers, bikes, motorbikes, quads, cars, horses, birds as well as a one man flying machine!
Everything of no use from 2007 went into the sewer depot and with all the movement, 2008 felt very positive indeed! Hannah and I will both remember this special time together.
I am very happy to have followed your intuition and am open to seeing what next year will bring you!
May the light indicate your road to your higher self, love Mia. xx
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