I have just had the funniest thing happen, bear with me I’ll get to that bit in a minute. However, this morning I had situation happen in which the complete opposite of what I had been working on happened. This was not the first time, however this morning was the straw that broke the camels back.
I was so cross and wrote an email to a friend to have a real good old moan about how unfair the world was, why did it happen to me AGAIN, I’m fed up with this, blah blah blah! I had a good old blurt – an unedited flow of thought. Ever since writing the email I have been able to drop it - more or less. Each time it came back to mind I reminded myself that I was allowed one blurt of negativity and that’s all. The optimum of course would be no blurts of negativity, but I am realistic and know myself and I do need to get it out of my system.
Now as I said, since the blurt I have been able to catch the thoughts and drop them, but I did feel bad about sending the email and dumping the negativity on someone else. That had stuck with me most of the day. Here’s the funny thing: I never actually sent it. I thought I had, but I have just this moment opened up my draft folder and there it was, in all its unsent glory! I was so pleased that it hadn't landed up in her inbox and darkened her day.
Lesson: Blurting is great, get it out, write it down, shout at an empty room if you need to. Tell yourself that this blurt is the one and only opportunity to remove it from your system. Any more is just self-indulgence, and simply starts to recreate it all over again. Move on, get into the present moment and deal with what’s next. Create something anew.
Premium lesson: don’t send the email! No dumping allowed – this is your stuff, not anyone else’s.
Next time you feel a bout of annoyance, pissed off-ness, anger or frustration coming on, try blurting, it helps.