A little something for the New Year
Each year I like to do a ritual to move from the old year to the new. This year the idea that came to me was to include a review of the old, add a dose of gratitude, and then to take through only what I wished for plus some extras in the new. So my offering at the end of the year is this:
Paint your 2008…
Sit somewhere where you will not be disturbed and take some time to review the past year and think about the coming one. Think back through 2007 and identify all the things that stand out for you.
Now imagine that 2007 is a painting – it doesn’t have to be a masterpiece - imagine it as any kind of painting you like, and see all the different aspects of 2007. Things that happened that you liked, and things that you disliked. Changes you made, successes you had, people you met, people you said goodbye to. Experiences you enjoyed, and those that weren’t so nice. Fill in this painting with every aspect of the year. Take a moment to acknowledge them and be grateful for all of them being in your life. Recognise that nothing that happens in life is a waste and we learn from all things.
However now is the time to decide what you choose to leave behind. Step back and in your mind (or in reality if you have actually drawn the painting) taking a large tippex pen and white out all the things that you do not wish to see in 2008. You now have a canvas in front of you with some white gaps, so turn and think about 2008. What would you like to paint into the canvas? What would you like to add, what experiences, achievements, people, successes, surprises would you like to see. When you look back over 2008 come next Christmas what do you want to see in your painting? Draw all these elements into your painting.
This is a lovely exercise as it not only acknowledges the past year but also then focuses on taking what you truly like about your life forward and adding the bits that will make it even better.
Happy 2008.
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