This week I had the great privilege to work with a woman who is in her 73rd year. She was an inspiration, so much vitality, so much verve for life, willing to embrace new ideas and be open the possibility of going for it. There was not a bone in her body that said retirement = stop. It was one of the most enjoyable hour and a half’s that I have spent for a while.
It made me think about how some people can get so bogged down in their lives that they quit early. They repeat that old saying ‘can’t teach a dog new tricks’. Well I think that that is our choice. If we choose to stay stuck in wherever we are in our lives then no, we won’t learn new tricks. If however, we are open and willing to say yes to whatever life throws at us, then we can and do learn new tricks and become a bigger and better version of ourselves.
So this message this week for all of you out there (and for those who you may know who fit the bill) is that it is never too late. That if we allow our age or what we think are our limits to stop us then they will. We are actually unlimited; it is only our thoughts that create the line we cannot go over. So often we start towards something we dream of and, just because it does not arrive as and when we thought it would, we quit, we give up. How many times has the Universe just been about to deliver to you something spectacular, but you’ve found some limit to stop you going on and the Universe has had to sigh, turn round and put it back in the cupboard again?
So I challenge you, whatever age you are, to keep going, to be open to whatever comes your way, to think the biggest ideas you can and then some. Have the intention that when you are in your 73rd year you too will still be pushing the boundaries, surpassing your minds limits and most importantly – having fun!