Thursday, September 27, 2007

Controlling Others

Thinking about what to write today I was reflecting on what is happening in Burma. The huge need for control is one that is echoed around the globe and also within our own lives too. We condemn the people who try to control whole nations, but perhaps it is also a time we can look a little closer to home, where does control feature in our lives?

Partner controlling partner, parents controlling child, friend controlling friend, child controlling parent, and on it goes. We all have our own idea around the issue of control and so I leave it to you to see if this question brings a new awareness in your life.

I also want to take an opportunity to invite you to sign a petition supporting those people in Burma who are peacefully protesting for their freedom. Click here to go to a website that does great work in making a world voice heard.

Thank you

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Friday, September 21, 2007

Full stop ahead

I had an enforced stop recently, a broken nose that has slowed me down. Hitting the plate glass window was the metaphorical stop (quite dramatic really) but I have come to see that it was part of a bigger play.

Sometimes things happen in our lives that seem annoying, you wish you could turn the clock back ten seconds and replay that bit, but often when we have the gift of hindsight we can see that it does interweave with the fabric of our lives.

My coming to a full stop was part of a bigger need to slow down and stop running ahead. I was so focused on discovering what was next I wasn’t living what was now. Again the “live in the present’ message is loud and clear, be here now, enjoy every minute whatever I am doing.

By being this still I have come to see that I am still driven by a need to move forward, achieve, do bigger and better things. Now I am not saying that we should not want to move forward, but what I have seen is that we need to examine the motivation for needing the movement. By focusing on the future what is not being seen in the present? This also ties in with satisfaction, we rarely are slow enough to be satisfied with our everyday lives. Sure if we consciously stop and ask ourselves how we feel right now we can touch in with that satisfaction, but we aren’t aware of it all the time. We need to fall in love with the life we have.

By becoming this slow in my life I am more in touch with that satisfaction than I have ever been. Joseph Campbell’s “Follow Your Bliss” phrase seems more doable now. The funny thing is that right now follow your bliss is not a big production in my life. I’m not doing anything huge, or new or exciting, I am more keeping things ticking over; doing what comes. However, by being still within that scenario I am finding my bliss in the mundane. At first I worried that I’d never ‘get going’ again but I have come to realise that out of this slowness will arise a new direction and I’ll be ready for it when it comes.

I don’t recommend you follow my route of a broken nose to enforce a slow down – quite painful and the bruises are impressive! I do recommend you ask yourself, do I need to slow my life down (or slow down within my life), do I need to relax back into what is happening in my everyday life and find the bliss in mundane? It can feel challenging but gifts within that space are huge.

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Thursday, September 13, 2007

Inspiring Vision

Well we arrived back from our road trip – over 8000 kms through Europe taking us to visit friends in France, Holland, Denmark, Germany and back through France again. It was a fantastic (if not slightly crazy) experience.

One location that stayed with me for a while was the Millau Bridge in France. I’m not normally a great one for modern things – give me medieval towns any day, but the vision and boldness of this bridge just wowed me. It is tallest bridge in the world and over 2.5 kms in length stretching out over the Tarn valley. What was so interesting was seeing all the other entrants for the design. They were all very ‘normal’, not so inspiring and to be honest a bit boring. The one that stands there today is awe inspiring. The lines of this bridge, the way it seems to flow, the sheer magnitude of the technological achievement is huge.

In the video showing the building of this bridge there was a moment (amongst many) when they moved the two decks from opposite directions together, 245 ms above the valley floor (there was the obligatory bottle of champagne that got smashed as the two pieces came together) exactly, to the millimetre. Fantastic to see, but also it was exactly what you’d expect.

The vision of this bridge is a great example of going out on a limb. There was no playing safe, no tempering things down to control, just simple pure vision and the heart to see it built.

We so often water down our visions, make them safer, keep them within our comfort zone and then wonder why we don’t feel alive, fulfilled, inspired. Well that bridge was an example to me that to create a thing of great beauty, to fulfil a dream, to make something that is the full expression of yourself, you simply have to go out on limb. Have your heart in your mouth and know, that with that level of focus and creativity, that it simply has to meet in the middle.

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If you would like to explore how you can create your life with vision please feel free to contact me to arrange a time for me to call you for a free introductory session. Tel +34 958 639 593 or email me
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