Thursday, May 24, 2007

Lighten up!

I was watching one of the funniest DVD’s I have seen for a while last night and it’s core message was lighten up, feel good! This wasn’t a comedy movie but a DVD of the Teachings of Abraham about the Law of Attraction in Action. It was funny because Abraham loving and teasingly poked fun at our seriousness and how ‘life and death’ we seem to make this life.

In one section Abraham said (and I paraphrase) “we have a lot of laughs as we watch you make such a big hairy heavy weather over what is so small and insignificant if you could only see it from our perspective”.

Now this may seem a slightly callous statement, especially if you are challenged right now and feel poor me, what am I to do, my life is so awful. The problem is that this victim space is like living in tunnel vision. I remember in the ashram one of the teachers asking how relevant our concerns and worries would be in a hundred years from now. Kind of puts it in perspective doesn’t it? And that’s what we need a new perspective. It is a matter of choice, we can make heavy weather or we can put our focus elsewhere and change our experience.

We simply need to feel good. Each rocket of desire has begun manifesting in the unseen, all we have to do is maintain our vibration to match that desire. How, we all cry?

Well the hundred-year perspective is one way but I realised that it is also just practise. Catch the negative thought; make the effort to change it (and there are many ways to do this, see Ask and it is Given by Esther & Jerry Hicks) and gradually it will become second nature. If we do this conscientiously for 30 days our life will change, if only because we will be happier and lighter people. Heaven knows what we could also manifest along the way.

Find something that you can use to put a smile on your face. A friend of mine uses the bizarre category on YouTube. It always makes her laugh and immediately that changes how she feels. Sound too simply? Well that’s just us believing that it must be hard. We could lighten up with that too!

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Friday, May 18, 2007

Relishing the experience

How often in our busy busy world do we stop and relish the experience we are having right now? A lot has been talked about being present, being in the now and yet it is another thing to relish the experience.

Not only are we in the moment (we have to be to even notice the experience we are having) but we then have to actually slow down enough to truly notice what is happening. I love the word relish. When I say it to myself my mouth starts to water, the word has the power to bring on a physical sensation. So take that feeling of relishing a taste and apply it to an experience. What does that tell you?

To relish an experience is to allow yourself to revel in it, to enjoy it to the full, to delight in it, to take full pleasure from it. It suggests that it is almost a sensual experience, one that we can relax into. I write about relishing this week as I had something click within me about it. Relishing the moment. For a while now I have been saying to myself that my optimum week is where I condense my coaching down into fewer days and free up some time. This is free time over and above my schedule for other work related tasks like writing, marketing, working the Internet. This is just free time in my working week.

With this time I can choose to do anything I like. It might be work related if I want or going to do a fun activity, or learning something new, or simply being with friends. Or, and here’s the extra special bit, it might the simple joy of doing nothing. I hit the jackpot this week in that my week came together exactly as I would wish for in the best-case scenario and, hey presto, a free Friday appeared. At first, because I am not used to these free days I started to feel itchy, what ‘should’ I do with the time? How ‘should’ I fill it?

It was then the idea of simply relishing came to me and immediately I felt so good. I could sit back and enjoy, no feelings of guilt or a need to fill time. Just enjoying.

How cool is that? What can you relish this week? How can you remind yourself to stop and smell the flowers? It can happen in a minute, you just need to pause long enough.


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Friday, May 11, 2007

Pesky Planets!

Oddly enough I have spoken to quite a few of people this week who have felt out of sorts. Kind of uncomfortable in their skin, emotional, cross, tearful and generally not happy. Then a friend who is a planet watcher told us all that lots has been happening in the heavens and more is to come!

For example, Sun-Neptune square (Saturday evening) followed by an explosive Mars-Pluto confrontation (Sunday morning). And you still may be feeling Jupiter-Uranus face-off and this morning's Venus-Saturn 45-degree tussle. Now for some this may make totally sense and although I don’t understand the technicalities I do believe and experience the influences these planets have.

However what I found interesting in all the conversations I had with people about the recent days, is that as soon as I said that some pesky planets are playing up a kind of relief came over them. The general consensus of opinion seemed to be ‘oh well that’s ok then’. It didn’t change their experiences but it certainly changed their attitude towards them.

So I ask, is it just that we had an explanation for the upset? Not particularly although that can help. I think it was more that it helped people understand that it was temporary. That this would move through and move on and we would feel better.

I began to use this mode of thinking once I’d gotten the idea - admittedly it took a while and a spilling of face cream all over my trousers! Interestingly enough even though my crazy, full, stressy week continued up till this minute, as long as I kept on reminding myself that it was temporary and that things will change and peace will return, I managed to handle all the pulls on my time with far more grace and tranquility.

So often when feeling unhappy, crazy, negative, stressed, angry, any ‘not good’ feeling we forget that life does indeed move on and that where we are right now is a temporary experience. So if the pesky planets are playing havoc with your week let this be a little relief, they will move on their way and normal service will be resumed. And if it is not even a planet playiyng around we can still remind ourselves that it still is temporary.

Happy Days!

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Friday, May 04, 2007

Resistance is useless!

This reminds me of those old black and white films when the baddie is telling the goodie that resistance is useless! And in some way it is a good analogy, if we want to be a goodie, to have our lives flow, then resistance is useless.

What does this mean? Well I realised this week that we are in resistance when we get in our own way, when we stop allowing the universal flow into our lives. Take my case in point. Over the past few months I had been working on increasing my client numbers and the number of enquiries had been growing each week. To do this I have followed the theory of one inspired thought (see One Inspired Thought posted February 2nd 2007) and had been doing the things that I had been inspired to do daily. In other words no ‘shoulds’, ‘ought tos’ or ‘have tos’. Simply flowing with the energy and inspiration.

As the enquiries increased I began to try harder, to think of new things to do and forgot the inspired idea theory. Gradually things slowed down and I couldn’t see why; I was still actioning ideas. Then, in a flash it came to me that I was in a space of trying to influence an outcome rather than do my part in the flow of the Universe. Having seen results I thought I could increase them by ‘doing’, I had gotten in the way. When I understood this I had an image come to mind. I saw clients seated at their computers about to send me an email and people about to dial my number, but it was as though someone had pressed the pause button on the remote control and they were stuck mid action. I realised that it was my trying to take hold of the situation that had caused this resistance.

Resistance occurs when we are not in a space of allowing. All we need to do to be in this space of allowing is to hold the vibration that resonates with what we wish to see happen in our lives. Nurture that good feeling. When I took control I lost the feeling, I became anxious and then tried even harder to rectify the situation.

Once I saw this resistance, and all these people poised to contact me, I could work on bring my vibration back in line with what I wished to have happen, I could visualise all the people coming off pause and writing their emails and dialling my number. I am very happy to report that it works; my enquiries this week have been the highest ever!

What pause button have you pressed recently? Where are you resisting the Universal flow in your life? Can you relax and start allowing instead? I can tell you it is worth it!

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