Thursday, June 28, 2007

Take Time to Smell the Roses

Very relevant for me right now as I am staying in Switzerland for a few weeks and the gardens round here are full of roses. Have I stopped and smelt them yet? Well, err, no actually I haven’t. Been too busy you see, not sure what with exactly what but I’ve felt busy, I believed I was very busy.

I went to a friend's house this week and we did a mini workshop on beliefs. It was a very interesting evening and I came away ideas that stuck with me. Our reality is not only created by our thoughts but more importantly by our beliefs. If we believe something to be true then we make it so. In other words we look around for evidence to prove our belief. This might come from an experience we have had in the past or from what we’ve been told over and over again. Either way we go out of our way to prove our belief so we can believe it. However once we can see this process we can also see how to unprove it, or let it go.

So here I was feeling very busy but not really being so, only believing that I should be. How’s that for perverse?! I realised that it was my belief that I should be busy that gave me the feeling of chaos and not the actual circumstances around me. In fact once I saw the belief for the falsehood that it was I could drop it, and I realised that I had a very lovely week ahead; just the right level of busyness (or business) and time to smell the roses.

By taking time to smell the roses we bring life back into the present moment, we stop and appreciate all that around us, we see our world with more clarity and can act from that still place inside instead of from a belief that does not serve us at all.

What are you doing in your life from a belief that doesn’t serve you? What things have you made so important that you’ve created a whole belief around it? Have you smelt the roses recently, even if just for five minutes? Go on, it’s lovely out there!

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Thursday, June 14, 2007

The Only Person Who Counts Is You.

I was talking with someone a couple of days ago about how we need to focus on ourselves and how we feel and he said that it sounded pretty selfish to him. And, I can see how from the outside looking in, it might sound that way.

But then again if you think about it, the only thing you actually have any control over is how you feel. You cannot influence how others feel, that’s their choice, you can’t change the way people feel about you either, that too is their choice. It is our choice what we feel about what someone is thinking about us. We sometimes seem to believe that we can be responsible for how others feel around us. In fact all we can do is be an example by the clarity of our actions and emotions. We are all vibrational beings. Only we can influence where on vibrational scale we live. Sure someone can come into our world intent on cheering us up, but in truth they have no direct influence on our experience unless we give them permission to do so.

If we choose to be ‘cheered up’ and have their antics be the reason for that cheering up it is still our responsibility. They did not enter our energy field and take spanner and change something within us. We chose to focus our energy elsewhere and in doing so our vibration became lighter and more joyful.

So, it is really true that the only person who counts is you. You are the only one who can influence how you feel and if you want to spread a little light, love and happiness in the world then the only thing you can do is be the curator of your own emotional state. You have to come first if you wish to be the example of how to be joyful in the world. You have to count if you wish to make a change. As Gandhi said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”

Do you put you first? Are you willing to be ‘selfish’ enough to put yourself at the top of the list? If so then you obviously have a lot to give to others. If not, then how about focusing on your vibration for a week and putting that first, I think you’ll find that your experience of your world and that around you will shift. In your world, in your Universe, you count.

I’m away next week arranging a surprise 70th birthday party! I’ll be back the week after so see you then. If this message has sparked your interest and made you think then please feel free to leave a comment; the more the merrier. If you would like to be informed when a new blog is posted please sign up for the blog alert by clicking the link (above to the right) or emailing me at with alert in the subject line.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Spreading Kindness and Love

I have just received in the post my copy of the Cygnus Review, the monthly magazine of Cygnus Books (, which is a great resource for all books to guide, uplift and inspire.

In the editorial they told a lovely story of a child planting two runner bean seeds and feeding and watering them, one with the words “you are a fool” and the other with the words “you are beautiful”. Although the one with the words you are foolish germinated first the beautiful bean grew stronger and bigger and larger than the foolish bean. In fact the foolish bean stopped after 12 inches and then the roots withered and the leaves yellowed.

Now this idea came from the work of Masaru Emoto (The Secret of Water available at Cygnus books) who has done many experiments with water photographing water crystals after exposing them to different words. The ones exposed to love or similar thoughts were beautiful, the ones exposed to any form of negativity we all ugly and mis-formed.

It is a timely minder that not only what we say or write carries vibration, but also what we think too. There has been a lot of focus recently about monitoring our thoughts in the light of what we create for ourselves, but how about watching out what we think in light of others? The water experiments show that our thoughts have power over water - and remember, we are all over 70% water, what does that mean when we direct a particular thought?

One way to be in line with our Source is to stop the comparison between others and ourselves. Today I caught myself feeling superior to some people I didn’t even know (they had bumped into me in the street and ignored it – nothing huge). I noticed my feeling straight away and instantly stopped the mental rant and sent blessings instead. It was small thing, but a start in the right direction. And, what’s more it felt good, it felt loving and I felt more in touch with my true self.

So by sending love, by being vigilant about what we send out vibrationally, not only benefits the recipients of our thought as they receive a positive vibration, but also benefits us as we become more in line with our truth.

So, please, do spread some love and kindness today, send out the vibration of goodness and if you want any encouragement just think of the small, runted runner bean trying to grow under the barrage of negativity, it’s a powerful image.

Much love and many blessings to all.

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Friday, June 01, 2007

The Stories in our Mind (and how to ignore them!)

I know I’ve talked before about the power of our minds and how they can take us off on a tangent, but yesterday was a great case in point and so I think it is worth mentioning again.

Tragedy! My email program completely crashed during a back-up session (I have since learnt close ALL programs before backing up) and to my horror I thought I had lost all my client folders. Not only that, but when I looked through my old back up files I couldn’t find what thought should be the file with all the folders in it. Double Tragedy, not only had I lost the current work but also all my work for the past two years.

My mind went into spin; I saw hassle and problems and began to feel that panicky feeling. Then, with the help of my partner, I managed to calm down enough to breath. This was step number one to getting back to a good state.

Step two was a reality check, ok, so I had lost the files, but most of the important stuff was elsewhere in some form or another. I had also lost marketing contacts, but if they were going to be good they would come chasing me anyway. I was then reminded of the bigger picture perspective, if I needed to have the contact details of people I would get them and the others, well they obviously weren’t necessary. This is coming from the ‘everything is perfect ‘train of thought, which, when I’m not panicking I believe!

So gradually and without taking too much time the story of the tragedy in mind reduced to just a hassle that could be overcome quite easily. It all depended on what spin I gave it. Once I reached that space it wasn’t too hard a stretch to get back to feeling light, easy and happy with the day. We finished the day with a walk on the beach (always good for the soul) and gazed at the blue moon and sent manifesting vibrations out into the world. All was well.

The whole experience, which lasted about two hours, gave me two insights. Practice does indeed make perfect. Not that I can turn around apparent tragedies in an instant but I am a darn site faster than before. And, becoming present and not letting the stories develop really helped. I also realised that because I have been focusing on watching my mind, catching the negativity and actively working on changing it, I was much more open to having someone talk me through a reality check. Before I’d have not been able to hear someone tell me that everything is perfect, but this time (after a little persuasion) I could.

This game called life is so much a journey, we can make up the stories and live out the tragedies or we can choose to leave the stories behind and get on with what is. We are like blank pages, what are you going to write on yours?

Happy thoughts!

P.S. The problem was cured this morning my pressing one key as I opened the program, so it really was a story!

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