Friday, November 30, 2007

Purpose can change

I was on a course last weekend, (a follow up to the Breakthrough to Success Course and we were looking at purpose and what that actually meant in our life. Many people speak about purpose and it has always been something that I have felt is fundamental in focusing life and giving life deeper meaning.

However in this course I was greeted by a new way of looking at purpose that opened up the possibilities immensely and helped many people past the barrier of identifying their own purpose.

It was put to us that purpose can change. It is not something that is given to us before we incarnate, a package wrapped up with a bow that we come in with. That immediately blew out of the water the idea that some people had, that they ‘hadn’t been given their purpose’ and were now lost and wandering in the wilderness looking for it somewhere. It also helped those who thought that they had yet to receive their purpose like it was going to come by registered mail one day.

No, purpose was purely what we wanted it to be and it can change as we change. In fact, when you come to look at it like that of course it will. As we go through life we change, our beliefs change, our desires change, we mature in outlook (thank goodness!) and so our purpose grows with us too. In the course we were encouraged to revisit our purpose and refine it every few years. In fact not only allow our purpose to change but also our vision and mission too. When I thought about this in light of the Law of Attraction, and how we live in an ever expanding Universe in which our desires constantly expand, then it makes sense that our purpose will expand too.

It was so freeing to create a purpose for Now. (When you think of it Now is actually all we have anyway - but that’s another blog.) To not have to know all that is to come, and fear that if we come up with the wrong purpose now that we are stuck with it, even if it no longer fits in the future. How freeing to know that it can change! It can serve us well for this moment and if, in the future, things evolve for us that it too can evolve with us.

So, if you haven’t voiced your purpose before, maybe for fear of getting it wrong, you can now. You can touch in and see what you feel is your purpose right now and know that that’s all you need to know. Purpose can help us so much in deciding what direction to move in, this new way of looking at it allows you to get going.

If this message has sparked your interest and made you think then please feel free to leave a comment - the more the merrier. If you would like to be informed when a new blog is posted please sign up for the blog alert by clicking the link (above to the right) or email me with Alert in the subject line.

If you would like to explore how coaching can empower you to setting your purpose and focus on moving towards that place of joy in your life please feel free to contact me to arrange a time for me to call you for a free introductory session. Tel +34 958 639 593 or click here to email me

If you would be interested in attending the Breakthrough to Success seminar mentioned in previous blogs please click this link and you can enrol for free for the next event in either the UK, Ireland, USA or Australia. Please feel free to pass this invitation onto as many people as you like.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Nothing to say!

I have sat down at my computer three times already this week to write this blog and each time although I had an inkling of the subject matter they all just turned out to be little rants at the world.

I then wrote about having rants at the world but that wasn’t very inspiring either!

So this week I just want to offer you a beautiful peaceful image and invite you to take a few moments to be with yourself, allow yourself to drop into the image be fine with whatever comes.

Happy weekend

Love Jessica

If this message has sparked your interest and made you think then please feel free to leave a comment - the more the merrier. If you would like to be informed when a new blog is posted please sign up for the blog alert by clicking the link (above to the right) or email me with Alert in the subject line.

If you would like to explore how coaching can empower you to focus on moving towards that place of joy in your life please feel free to contact me to arrange a time for me to call you for a free introductory session. Tel +34 958 639 593 or click here to email me

If you would be interested in attending the Breakthrough to Success seminar mentioned in previous blogs please click this link and you can enrol for free for the next event in either the UK, Ireland, USA or Australia. Please feel free to pass this invitation onto as many people as you like.

Friday, November 09, 2007

I don’t have to get it right!

OK, this is truly a big picture blog today because it was a personal aha moment as I was running round the stadium keeping my faithful body fit and healthy.

I was listening to the teachings of Abraham but interestingly it wasn’t anything in particular that Abraham was saying, I think it was more that I was listening with an ear to find out what I was doing wrong and how I could do it better.

In that moment I had what I can only be described as a download – I felt this statement come into my body and change from something I had intellectually known to something I physically felt and understood deep within.

I don’t have to get it right!

I don’t have to do anything in particular to ensure that I get this lifetime right. I can crash and burn this whole lifetime and it doesn’t matter a dime. In the bigger picture of my soul evolution this lifetime is but a blip on the horizon. Nothing in this life is that important. The only thing that I have to do with this life is to experience it to the fullest at any given moment, be true to myself and enjoy the ride.

Some people might find these statements irresponsible and fanciful and come up with lots of different reasons why I have to get it right. And, from a limited ‘this life’ perspective all the arguments will sound very persuasive. However I did warn you that this was a bigger picture blog!

From the bigger picture perspective this statement – I don’t have to get it right – is absolutely true. Since that moment I have been skipping (metaphorically) like a carefree child all week. There is nothing to prove, nothing to get right, it is how it is and if I just tend to my vibration and move it up the scale towards love (Source, God, The Self, The Universe) then the rest will be what it is. Make peace with where you are in life, live the statement “I am where I am and it’s ok”

How could embracing and living this truth be for you? What would your mental field look like if you embodied this and approached life from this direction? Worth considering at least, especially if you like skipping.

If this message has sparked your interest and made you think then please feel free to leave a comment - the more the merrier. If you would like to be informed when a new blog is posted please sign up for the blog alert by clicking the link (above to the right) or email me with Alert in the subject line.

If you would like to explore how coaching can empower you to focus on moving towards that place of joy in your life please feel free to contact me to arrange a time for me to call you for a free introductory session. Tel +34 958 639 593 or click here to email me

If you would be interested in attending the Breakthrough to Success seminar mentioned in previous blogs please click this link and you can enrol for free for the next event in either the UK, Ireland, USA or Australia. Please feel free to pass this invitation onto as many people as you like.

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Friday, November 02, 2007


We are in the middle of a jigsaw puzzle right now, one of those fun cartoon ones with everything happening in all corners of the puzzle. Made me think about life.

Life is a puzzle and it is fun to put the pieces together. Sometimes we can stare and stare at it and not see where the next piece is, and then when we come back with fresh eyes, there it is standing out from all the other pieces just waiting to be put into the right slot.

Puzzles are a one by one game. Piece by piece we put the whole picture together and sometimes it looks as though there are not enough pieces, but in the end there is always the exact amount that we need. Sometimes one piece doesn’t look as though it fits at all, but when you try it and maybe turn it upside down, hey presto it fits perfectly.

Some puzzles are more difficult than others and that fine ‘cos some people like hard ones and others like to do the easy ones. Even in a single puzzle there are always tricky parts, but that’s when a friend can come and help out and do the bits we don’t do too well.

Seems to me that life is just like a jigsaw puzzle and even this simple game can teach us something. In playing this puzzle game this week I realised that I have all the bits, they all will fit neatly in place at the right time even if I can't see them at this moment in time. All I have to do is have fun fitting it together.

Happy puzzling…!

If this message has sparked your interest and made you think then please feel free to leave a comment - the more the merrier. If you would like to be informed when a new blog is posted please sign up for the blog alert by clicking the link (above to the right) or email me with Alert in the subject line.

If you would like to explore how coaching can empower you to put together the puzzle you want please feel free to contact me to arrange a time for me to call you for a free introductory session. Tel +34 958 639 593 or click here to email me

If you would be interested in attending the Breakthrough to Success seminar mentioned in previous blogs please click this link and you can enrol for free for the next event in either the UK, Ireland, USA or Australia. Please feel free to pass this invitation onto as many people as you like
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